So going through our divorce, I have been decent and quiet about a lot on my mind. I kept quiet that he got engaged to another woman while still married to me. I kept quiet that he still asked me for money and I was stupid enough to give it to him. I kept quiet how I really felt a lot during this time, however it has come to my attention that my rude selfishness is a problem for my ex's friends and family. So here is what I have to say...
The fact that this man is trying to move on with his life is FINE BY ME!!! I honestly wish happiness for the simple fact I don't have to take care of him anymore. The problems i have are the fact that he has responsibility to take care of that he does not care to take care of. We have a financial agreement which he signed and notarized that he is to pay so much to me monthly to help with financial obligations that WE OBTAINED TOGETHER. Part of that obligation is mine and I am paying on it, however I cant get any money from him because he never has it. There is always an excuse or a reason however I really don't care what the excuse is anymore.
It is not my fault that you cant manage your money and that you owe more than you make. What I don't get is how a person can possibly owe so much money to so many creditors and the government and be OK with not paying it. How is it OK to run up a bill, shut that bill off in your name and put it in someone else s name over and over again and think that is OK. Yet I'm the one being selfish and an inconvenience for asking for the little amount a month to pay responsibilities? Really?? You can go get new vehicles and move to new places and live beyond your means and I'm the bad guy for wanting to pay OUR bills? Really???
I've been quiet and I have not said nearly what is on my mind but when I become the bitch for standing up for myself when responsibility needs to be taken, I AM DONE!!! So to all you "friends and family" that want to talk shit about me and how i'm such a terrible ex wife I ask you to think of one thing....YOU DON'T KNOW THE WHOLE STORY SO BUTT OUT!!!! Maybe one day he will have the balls to take on his responsibility and actually pay me what is owed but am I holding my breath anymore? NOPE! I just feel bad for the new soon to be wife as she doesn't know the half of what she is getting into.
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